2024-2025 Janet Brockett Back to School Information

Back to School information for Brockett Elementary has been finalized for the upcoming school term.

Please refer to the sections below for the latest information. 

2024-25 Registration Information

Registration for new students is open  Link for online registration 

Proof of Residency is required for enrollment

Returning student registration for the 2024-25 school term begins in July. An email will be sent to current families when enrollment officially opens.

You will use Skyward to register and an email will be sent when registration is open. Link to Skyward 

2024-25 Meet the Teacher Night and Schedule Pick Up/Class List Postings

Meet the teacher and class list posting dates will be on August 12th from 5:30-7pm.

2024-25 School Supply List

Download the 2024-25 Brockett Elementary school supply list

2024-25 PTA Board

President-Misty Bergman
VP Membership-Allison Lawson
VP Hospitality-Alex Gallegos
VP Fundraising-Rachel Rios
Secretary-Reagan Lawrence
Treasurer-Rosie Garnica

Social Media Chair-Megan Roden
Brockett Buck Store Chair-Courtney Jones

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our school at 817-299-6620.