Come to the Library and find a "just right" book for you!
Jennifer Dalen, Librarian
Library Hours - Monday-Friday 8:00-3:30
Get easy access to sites using the Brockett Symbaloo
The Janet Brockett Elementary Symbaloo website is not sponsored by Mansfield ISD and Mansfield ISD is not responsible for the contents of any linked site, any link contained in a site or any changes or updates to such sites.
Library Information & Checkout Policy
Students in grades K-1 may have one book checked out at a time. Students in grade 2 may have two books checked out at a time (based on teacher decision). Students in grades 3-4 may have three books checked out at a time (based on teacher decision). All books may be checked out for one week, and may be renewed on an as needed basis. Classes visit our library weekly for instruction and checkout. Parents, please help to ensure your child is a good library citizen and returns his/her book on time each week.
Access to search for books in Brockett's library may be done from the classroom, or home, by visiting the library website and clicking on the Destiny icon.
Online Resources
Most databases require username and/or password. Please see your librarian or teacher for those if needed.
K-12 students can borrow ebooks and audiobooks from our digital collection. SORA
Get access to books to read with your student: EPIC!
PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities,
Use Destiny to browse for books at our Brockett Library.
A Note For Parents:
Please help to ensure your child is a good library citizen by encouraging him/her to take excellent care of our books and return them on time. Access to search for books in our Brockett Library may be done by visiting Destiny Discover using the link above.